Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Watch the Webcast Every Night!

As we do each year, shall be webcasting every show. Visit for more information.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

HG&S Singthrough March 27

We've got the rescheduled date of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Houston singthrough of HMS PINAFORE and TRIAL BY JURY.

The singthrough is a preparation for the upcoming auditions for the same shows, which will run in the Wortham Center at the end of July. For more information on the shows and on the Society, visit

Houston Baptist University Choir Room
Monday, March 27, from 7:30 to 10:00 pm

Visit the HBU website for directions and an interactive map showing the choir room location.

HG&S will be using the Schirmer editions of the music, which are available from (HMS Pinafore and Trial by Jury) or through Pender's Music at 713-529-2676.